I am Joani, and I love living a Creative life!


When I think of designing and fabricating silver jewelry with a Torch, I use the words: Exploration and Transformation.

I absolutely love exploring ideas of creating jewelry using semi-precious stones, found objects, and silver itself! It is totally FUN!

I have been creating jewelry since 2010. I began exploring soldering with silver in 2017. Having no local teaching venue in Helena or in Montana, I self-taught myself by trial and error. After a year of basic self-exploration with metal, I came upon a 5 day Metalsmithing class in Puerto Vallarta taught by Susan Lenart. This class introduced me to silversmithing! I have continued to this day taking Metalsmithing classes from Susan and others. It has been and continues to be an Exploration and Transformation for me, from trying to develop my own voice as a Silversmith to exploring techniques with metal. I wouldn't change a thing!