2023 November Newsletter
Hey! I am still here!
I hate to get personal, but I have not been present because some things, like my health, have been dictating my life and influencing my small jewelry business. Nothing major but just annoying health issues that just keep coming after one another.
Besides these issues, I have been in my Home Silversmithing Studio quite frequently. As I am in my place of joy, I know in my heart how important it is for me to create. I love to experiment and wonder daily what will come out of my head to design. The Yoga philosophy helps me to ground and focus and the physical practice of yoga helps me to be strong.
For the holiday season I have 2 small jewelry collections for sale in Helena, Montana. At Omerta Arts Center is a collection of Exotic Feather earrings. This is the first time I have worked with feathers! At the Holter Museum of Art, I have a collection of Turquoise jewelry that is "my take" on a more traditional style of turquoise.
I have made the decision not to partake in any "live" shows this season. I was accepted but ultimately declined. I am especially glad after recently returning from Mexico for a metalsmithing workshop and becoming quite ill. I now have time to recover and not be stressed about having to be in a show. I am able to thoughtfully create anyway I want with no time constraints!
I am motivated to return to designing with organics again and fabricating my metal more organic as well. I am very excited to show you all where I am going with this!
At this crazy time of year, from my heart I hope so much that you all can find peace within yourselves and with others! Time moves so quickly and there are so many things that we really can just let go of! Be kind and feel the love in your heart. This love will come back time and time again! I promise!